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Forever Guarantee

Don’t worry. We plan to be around for a while.

We hate when the services we use and love are shut down. It happens too often, and our content tends to either get lost completely or we are forced to tediously transition it to yet another service of questionable longevity. Because we initially built Conquer Earth to solve our own frustrations, we feel an unusual sense of duty to our users.

So Conquer Earth is proud to make a few unusual, risky promises:

  1. We promise to do everything in our power to ensure that any content you publish on Conquer Earth will continue to be available on the web forever, at the same permanent link, as long as you want it there. This promise even applies after you stop your subscription to the service. (For more details see the fine print below.)

  2. As long as you continue paying for the Conquer Earth service at its contemporaneous monthly rate, you will be able to publish new content. This essentially means that we promise to never completely shut down the service.

  3. If Conquer Earth, its parent corporation, or any affiliated entities are acquired, purchased, or taken control of by a third party in a way that would negatively impact the service, we will do everything in our power to ensure that the above two promises endure as part of any legal agreements into which we enter.

We are a small, profitable company with low costs that are covered by paying customers. And while we hope to continue growing, we also hope to maintain a sense of dedication to how we treat our customers’ and users’ data. These promises reflect how we want our own content to be treated. In that way, both the service and its customers’ interests are aligned. We like it that way.

If you have any questions or concerns about these promises, please say hello:

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The Fine Print

a. "Content" refers to user-generated data and the structural organization of that data on the domain or subdomains. Such Content includes text and up to three images included in each entry that was authored by a human paying customer on the Conquer Earth service using Conquer Earth-provided tools. Such Content does not include externally-linked or embedded data, or illegal data. It also does not include data that violates our Terms of Service or Privacy Policy.

b. "Available" means that the content is accessible at a permanent URL on the domain or subdomains. This policy applies if you use a custom domain, but the data preservation promise only covers access to your data via the permanent alternative domain name (we can’t promise to keep your domain registration and DNS records up-to-date).

c. "Forever" means until the HTML "web" is no longer generally accessible or until Conquer Earth becomes financially insolvent (which we intend to avoid, given that users pay for the service).

d. Some early users of Conquer Earth are able to access the service for free. These promises do not apply to those members unless they begin paying for the service. (Free users can begin paying by adding their details to Settings).

e. If you keep your account active and in good standing for at least three months, your published posts are guaranteed to be kept online forever, even if you cancel service after that time. If you want to add new content, you will need to begin your paid subscription again.

f. These policies are governed by our Terms of Service agreement and are subject to change at any time. →